Model PV 3.0 - 1 H PV 3.0 - 2 H
Dimensions 900x600x450 900x700x450
Work Area 900x495x65 2x(900x290x65)
Course 600x400x60 2x(600x220x60)/1x(600x360x60)
Motion System Linear Guideway & ballscrew Linear Guideway & ballscrew
Resolution 0.02 mm 0.02 mm
Max Feed 6000 mm/min 6000 mm/min
Spindle 40000 RPM 500 W AC Motor 2x(40000 RPM 500 W AC Motor)
Tool Change Manual / Semi-Automatic Manual / Semi-Automatic
Software Windows User friendly Program Windows User friendly Program
Input File Fotmats NC Drill (Excellon) , HPGL(PLT)
Gerber , G-Code , Bitmap
NC Drill (Excellon) , HPGL(PLT)
Gerber , G-Code , Bitmap
Controller Simultaneous 3-Axis Simultaneous 3-Axis
Weight 125 Kg 150 Kg
Power Supply 220 V , 50 Hz , up to 1 KW 220 V , 50 Hz , up to 1.5 KW
برشور تبلیغاتی
آدرس : مشهد ــ شهرک صنعتی توس ــ صندوق پستی 391- 157 /91895
َشرکت ایده نوین توس
      تلفن : 35413643 - 051  فاکس : 35410191 - 051
 2008 © Copyright IDEH NOVIN Co. All rights reserved.